Fit Foodies Mobile App

The Problem With Knowledge

August 08, 20233 min read

“Don't Let Your Learning Lead to Knowledge. Let Your Learning Lead to Action"

- Jim Rohn

Turn Knowledge into Action

The Problem with Knowledge

Have you ever found yourself hopping from one nutrition program to another, searching for the "perfect solution" to achieve your health goals?

Does any of this sound like you?

Google Searching...

  • "Whats the best nutrition plan or meal plan for weight loss?"

  • "What are the top foods to burn belly fat?"

  • "How much should I be working out for burning fat?"

  • "Whats the fastest I can drop X pounds?"

Maybe you've even purchased all the Best Ebooks out there like...

"Fat Loss Forever"

"Thinner Leaner Stronger"

"Genius Foods", Etc...

and you've read them cover to cover....

YET, you're still stuck in the exact same place you've been for...


Since COVID...

Maybe even years...

Shit maybe "Back before I had my first or second kid..." or "When I was an All Star Athlete back in High School or College..."

In today's information age it can be extremely exciting and overwhelming all at the same time...

Knowledge is legit at the palm of our hand and while that is great, consuming and having knowledge for the sake of knowledge is completely useless if you never actually apply what you have learned.

Thats like buying fresh food (knowledge) and letting it rot in the fridge (in action). You're wasting what you've acquired.

Yes, "always be a student" throughout your life and learn, but don't let knowledge paralyze you into in action...

Everyone is so worried about making the "wrong choice" that they end up doing NOTHING with what they learned leaving them in the exact same situation that they were prior to obtaining the knowledge...

Unhappy, Miserable, pinching their belly fat in the mirror thinking "woe is me"...

Knowledge is IRRELEVANT until you actually do something with it!

How do you know if it's going to work for you?

You don't until you actually apply it to your life and current situation.

How to Start Turning Knowledge into Action:

  • Identify your starting point and current circumstance

  • Identify Where you Want to Go... aka Your Goal

  • Take a book that you've read that resonated with you and is in alignment with who you want to become and then start implementing one to two items from it into your life each week...

  • At the end of each week reflect on how the implementation of that item went...

  • Was it Sustainable? Enjoyable? Helpful? Move you Closer Towards your goals? Etc...

  • Adjust the implementation of that item, if needed, to ensure that you're making progress

  • Continue to implement new items every 1-2 weeks and reflect at the end of each week to identify what is working, what isn't and what needs to be changed...

If you need help turning knowledge into power get plugged into our Fit Foodies App.

Where we not only educate you on HOW to continually make progress lifelong when it comes to your nutrition and health goals, but we coach you every step of the way to ensure that you're actually applying what you've learned into your life!

If you're finally ready to TAKE ACTION and Achieve FOOD FREEDOM then become an ALL ACCESS SUBSCRIBER so that you are NEVER STUCK!

-Fit Foodies

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Fit Foodies

Fit Foodies app is the first ever Coaching app created by Foodies For Foodies who want results without restrictions! Its time to ditch the diet and finally BE IN CONTROL of the way that you LOOK and FEEL for LIFE! Become a Fit Foodies app subscriber today to finally create the body and life you LOVE and DESIRE while eating your favorite foods!

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**The contents of this subscription should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician or registered dietitian. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.

**Results vary depending on the starting point, goals and effort. Proper Intake and Activity is necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition. Any testimonials featured may have used more than one Fit Foodie Course and/or completed the Fit Foodie Food Freedom Program to achieve maximum results.